Complementary colors wheel
Complementary colors wheel

complementary colors wheel

In additive synthesis, equal proportions of two primary colors combine to create the secondary colors. Figure 1-Primary and secondary colors of additive synthesis After trying this art project, see what other ways you can introduce complementary and split-complementary color schemes into your surroundings.Figure 1 shows how the primary colors combine to create the secondary colors. For a more elaborate design, try the Positive and Negative Space Art Project.Ĭombining complementary colors, colors on either side of the color wheel, gives you flexibility in creating vivid color combinations. Glue the kirigami design onto the complementary color sheet of paper and display.If you cut along the incorrect fold, you will end up with more than one final piece. Along the other two edges (not the fold you just created), cut out curved lines, rectangles, triangles, etc.Do the same with the other corner so you have a diamond shape. Along the long base of the triangle, fold one of the corners up to the top.Fold the square along the fold line you already made so you have a triangle.Fold one sheet of paper on the diagonal and trim off the excess so you have a square piece of paper.You will need two sheets of construction paper in complementary colors.You will cut one sheet of paper and then glue it onto a complementary color to create a stunning design. Kirigami is the Japanese word for cut paper. Split complements would be yellow, blue-violet, and red-violet or, purple, yellow-green, and yellow-orange. For example, purple and yellow are complements. Split complementary colors are the colors on either side of a compliment. Split-complementary colors create less harsh combinations. You may notice that complementary color combinations are vivid. This will give you a sense of why some complements exist (red and green are complements as are yellow and violet). Since, looking at the color wheel, you can only see the tips of the complementary colors touching one another you may want to color a two-inch square sample of each of the complementary color combinations. Other common combinations include Analogous Colors. You’ll also get combinations like red-violet with yellow-green. So, red and green, orange and blue, and yellow and purple are three of the possible complementary color combinations. What are Complementary Colors?Ĭomplementary colors are those colors at opposite sides of the color wheel. When coloring tertiary colors (colors that are a mix of two colors, red-violet for example), first color the area with one pencil and then the other, blending the colors together. Draw with short back-and-forth strokes that will allow you to build up the color. Try to use equal pressure when coloring each section. Trace a dessert plate and divide the circle into twelve equal sections.Ĭolor the sections clockwise in this order – red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, violet, and red-violet. You will need colored pencils, white paper (photocopy paper is fine), and a dessert plate. Start by making a twelve-color color wheel so you can really see your options while Understanding the Color Wheel.


Whether you are working on a craft project or trying to coordinate colors of party decorations, knowing how to harmonize colors can make it easier to know what will look good together. Take the guesswork from combining colors by giving a little attention to the color wheel.

complementary colors wheel

Create a cut-paper project to highlight the contrast.

complementary colors wheel

These combinations are vivid and eye-catching. Complementary colors are those on opposite sides of the color wheel.

Complementary colors wheel